I like stuff Review Wrestling

G.L.O.W.:Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling

Since my friend did a review for it, I figured I should as well.

First off, I’m a wrestling fan, been a wrestling fan since as far back as I can remember before I officially started watching WWE in 2002 (the indies a little bit later but it’s all scattered).

Women’s wrestling was always a staple but back in those days, the best women’s wrestling you could find was in the indies because WWE was usually more Stacy Keibler’s ass and Torrie Wilson than Trish Stratus, Lita and Molly Holly which made it just that more gratifying when they brought in women like Victoria and Mickie James.

Needless to say, part of me was grumbling about the whole “female protagonist” thing because writers have this sick obsession with getting women laid as quickly as possible but I got over it because I like wrestling just that dang much.

Okay, it starts off with this struggling actress trying to find her way into the big time, fast forward, she goes to a casting call for a Women’s Professional Wrestling show…after screwing her friend’s husband.

Let me reiterate.

Her best friend who’s actually made it in the acting business’, yeah, that friend’s husband, the same friend who could have possibly given her a nudge at some point.

Needless to say, that relationship tanked faster than something heavy that sinks fast but the hostility made for good television with the ex-friend confronts her during “rehearsal” which turns into a ridiculously, possibly legit catfight.

The Director involved sees this as a good show idea despite the ex-friend’s reluctance and next thing y’know, she’s part of the show.

Since it’s a show about a wrestling fed and not just the main character and her friend (and because it’s written by Jenji “the Genius” Kohan, gotta stick to the theme), we’re introduced to other characters such as the trainer who’s a badass, a spoiled Jewish girl, the chick from the “Turn Down for What” video, a legacy baby who’s dad and two brothers are wrestlers already, a pretty gothy woman that identifies as a wolf and the big shocking character.

Once I got past the whole “main character fucking her friend’s husband” part (which is sadly a big part of the story), I can easily say this is a compelling series that really got me hooked for multiple reasons.

Once again, it’s Jenji the Genius so I can see myself being more enthralled with the other characters than the main character and the person she’s involved with.

The good thing is that there’s a lot of legit references to how feds are formed and how wrestlers are trained and how GLOW actually started so anyone watching this can use this kinda as an introduction to what it’s sorta really like in the wrestling world. It’s not completely smoke and mirrors.

Good show though, definitely worth a watch.

Here’s to hoping Kohan-dono reads this and puts me in one of her shows one day.

By Some Guy Named Manny

I talk words okay, not good, but okay at best.

Seriously, don't take anything I type seriously because I'll admit that I'm an opinionated biased overly wired up nutjob that have absolutely no credibility that cares not if anyone disagrees with me..

And with that, I will proceed to have my opinions as long as I have an organ in my skull capable of conveying that information in some sort of messed up way.

I will be controversial and I will say some things that some people may not like and if you wanna bitch about it, by all means go ahead, it's the internet, it's pretty easy to say that everyone's just looking for something to bitch about at this point.

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